Feel the Adventure!
Since 1931 Sewell’s Marina has introduced over 3 million visitors to our Ocean Playground in Howe Sound. Fishing Derbies, Sea Safari Eco Tours, Company Scavenger Hunts and our famous self-drive boat rental fleet have provided great days on the water. Join us on the “deck of the bay” and enjoy the ocean view, the majestic mountains, some great conversation and if you want to feel freedom, wind in the hair and spray in the face or the thrill of a fishing rod; we can help you get to your next dream! Sewell’s Marina at Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver is one of the premier moorage locations in the lower mainland. The best boating, fishing, wildlife, sailing, marine parks, quiet bays and island retreats are just minutes from your protected berth in our marina. Howe Sound offers over 300 sq. miles of sheltered islands and bays to explore. The Sunshine Coast and Gulf Islands are within easy sailing distance of Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver
We can’t wait to see you here!
Sit out on the patio under big umbrellas and enjoy a latte, cappuccino or a cool beverage. The Sewell’s Lookout Coffee House, located in the upstairs of the Ocean Adventure Center, adds an element of history to Horseshoe Bay, a memorable experience for visitors, and a place to reminisce for locals.
The Olive and Anchor is a fabulous location for the very best westcoast seafood cuisine and dinner options for Fishing Derby participants. It’s a terrific venue to celebrate your awards banquet or simply wrap up a beautiful west coast day.