The Sewell’s Marina Blog

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Baby Seals

Aug 17

Sewell’s Marina in Horseshoe Bay is home to a Seal, the neighbourhood kids named ‘Oreo” four years ago, seals are common in Howe Sound but Oreo is very unique. She knows the sounds of the different fishing boats as they are approaching the harbour and will meet them at the entrance nose in the air smelling for a trace of her favorite food. Salmon. As the boats dock, she waits patiently, until she decides that it is time that they get going and move the fish to the cleaning table for her to get her favorite snack. She starts to splash the fishing boat with her fins until the folks get the message. They lift their catch and make their way to the cleaning table where they offer her the head and carcass which she graciously accepts.

Over the past three years she has delivered three pups. All very healthy being fed from a very smart mom. She keeps them safe in and around the marina laying on logs and pushing them onto the backs of peoples boats moored at the dock. Following on the theme of her name the first two offspring were named “Cookie” and “Crumble” and this years pup has been coined “Fudge”.

All three of her pups being fed on salmon rich milk from Oreo have grown into strong and smart seals themselves. If you are down on the docks around 12:30pm when the salmon fishing boats return from the morning trips you are sure to spot her swimming nose in the air in search of a good westcoast lunch.

For more information on Harbour Seals check out:

Jun 29

In recent years, sightings of sea lions tangled in debris and pollution have increased at an alarming rate. The Marine Mammal Rescue Team, lead by Vancouver Aquarium head veterinarian Dr. Martin Haulena conducts vital disentanglements along the B.C. Coast. Dive into this interactive 360 video shot on our Sewell’s Sea Safari where you can follow the team as they rescue a Sea Lion suffering from debris wrapped around it’s neck.


Vancouver Aquarium Post:

Happy World Ocean’s Day!

Jun 08

June 8th is World’s Ocean’s Day and we are proud to be a part of Jane Goodall’s post for the day. Howe Sound is a very special jewel in the world that has a wonderful story of rejuvenation. Check out this great article by local Bowen Island resident Robert Falls with many photographs from a previous employee Jessica Haydahl Richardson. Get out and enjoy, respect and appreciate an ocean where ever you are in the world.

Hope and Recovery on the Salish Sea